Meet Your Coach


I'm so happy you're here


I write like I talk

don't do grammar checks or use proper punctuation

Plus, I say ain’t and y’all

I expect you to read between the lines and hope you like my storytelling to apply the lessons applicable to your life

If you're good with that


let's begin!


Hello. Hi! I'm Robyn

I got a thing for Care Bears & cardigans

I’m a frosting kinda girl, eat pickles, love peanut butter M&M’s & a good glass of red wine.

I have a book addiction and love me some Benson & Stabler SVU re-runs. 

The smell of coffee makes me ill and don’t get me started on Greek yogurt and mayo.

I hate crowds, coffee and complainers. 

Love me some hot tea with lemon, deep dish pizza and have a serious can’t say no to chips & salsa with a good glass of red wine

and no

not all together 

I have two amazing, supercool, creative, compassionate, witty, crazy-talented resilient badass not a-hole kids

I am extremely proud of that

I’m a Tampa, Florida native but 

I have plans to buy a farmhouse somewhere in the middle of Montana with my hubby where there will be goats, mini-cows, otters and somehow a red panda bear.

The beach is my peaceful refueling energizing safe space. 

I walk when I write

feed squirrels daily and talk to wildlife.

I hate excuses, laziness and sitting still. Facing death will do that to you.

I am the author of The Machete Mentality and have seven more books I am currently working on.


Most importantly, I am a Christian and believe everyone has a fighter inside with God-sized goals.

I think the difference in getting to live them out lies within our ability to wake our warrior and fight for our future self.

My fight for own life birthed my business, Robyn Tanner Coaching, where I help women win their wars within & crush any adversity, so they rise into their most bold fearless unapologetic  authentic future self.


I am Here to Serve You and Help you Transition through any Adversity

Create Courage, Confidence and Clarity in Your Life

So You Find Your Freedom to Live Alive.

What the heck does that mean?

It means, you're actually living the life you Love

You're Authentic

You're Genuine

You Are Real

And you get up every day excited with passion and purpose and a plan.

Now, it doesn't mean that life doesn't happen and we get a free pass.

We will still have some hurdles to overcome. Dodge some bullets. Put out some fires.

BUT it means that Overall

From the Inside Out

You are living physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually Aligned with Your Values, Fighting for a Future that You Want and deserve!


Armed With Faith & Fortitude 

Sometimes that takes some tough love, some transparency and a whole lot of tenacity. But I’ll help you get there.

I've been coaching clients for 26 years and founded my business more than 7 years ago. 

NOW, I’m reigniting my own life and career as I transition into motivational, inspirational, and empowering speaking on topics like adversity, resiliency, confidence and courage. I call it Facing Your Giants.   

I’m also finally living my dream as a writer and becoming a published author this year! 

But you know what??????? 

Sometimes, I'm just as scared or frustrated and as impatient as you may be. BUT it's my Faith in God and it's my Faith in my Future Self and it’s my Faith in my Fortitude that Keeps Me Going because I know where I've come from and how far away that place is now. 


Heartache despair grief death divorce health issues chronic pain eating disorders weight gain weight loss financial ruin homelessness eviction addictions rejection abandonment affairs lies betrayal - I pretty much can cover the whole nine yards.

Not to mention, I was in the FIGHT for MY LIFE 8 years ago and on my deathbed after I was struck with a rare infection that overtook my spine, my bones, my body & my legs. It sent me into emergency surgery. It took part of my spine and left me living me with daily chronic painful pain

I was really, really sick

Death had come for me and I shouldn't be here today, BUT by His Grace


So, in a nutshell, I use my messes to help you make less.

I use my experiences, my adversities and my stories to help you THROUGH whatever yours is.  I have held a ridiculous number of certifications and licenses in fitness, health, lifestyle management, PLUS a degree in Organizational Communication, but blah, blah, blah – nobody really cares about all that. 

I am Here to Serve You and Help you Transition through any Adversity

Create Courage, Confidence and Clarity in Your Life

So You Find Your Freedom to Live Alive.

What the heck does that mean?

It means, you're actually living the life you Love

You're Authentic

You're Genuine

You Are Real

And you get up every day excited with passion and purpose and a plan.

Now, it doesn't mean that life doesn't happen and we get a free pass.

We will still have some hurdles to overcome. Dodge some bullets. Put out some fires.

BUT it means that Overall

From the Inside Out

You are living physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually Aligned with Your Values, Fighting for a Future that You Want and deserve!


I think as humans what we care about is Connection. Trust. Transparency, Authenticity. Relatability. Realness. 

And the fact that I’ve seen both sides of the railroad tracks. 

I’ve been made whole again. 

I’ve been restored. 


And most of all, 

I’ve been Blessed as a mom of two amazing kids, Saved in my love for Him, and Representing that a Nobody can become a Somebody that Makes a Difference in everyday amazing awesome peoples' lives.  

When Life Settles, You Don't.

My HOPE is to Motivate, Challenge and Inspire you to surrender your old self, question your current self and start fighting for your future self. 


My Responsibility is to provide you with Hope, Faith & the Freedom to Make all the Scary, Exciting, Uncertain, Certain, Liberating, Healthy and Hard Changes that it takes

To Get You to Believe in YOU Again

To Give YOU Permission to Dream Again

And to Make IT Happen for YOU Too, the way it's happened for just little ordinary with a special side of extra ME.

My Job is that my words GIVE you Courage, Confidence & Crystal-Clear Clarity for whatever IT is that You Dream to do or change or overcome or build from the ground up.

That You Finally Do it.

I'm on a MISSION to Help You Not Settle. 

Not Suffer. Not Stay Second Best.

Life Happens.

A Lot.

And it will keep happening

BUT we don’t have to Stay Stuck in it.

I am Here to Serve You and Help you Transition through any Adversity

Create Courage, Confidence and Clarity in Your Life

So You Find Your Freedom to Live Alive.

What the heck does that mean?

It means, you're actually living the life you Love

You're Authentic

You're Genuine

You Are Real

And you get up every day excited with passion and purpose and a plan.

Now, it doesn't mean that life doesn't happen and we get a free pass.

We will still have some hurdles to overcome. Dodge some bullets. Put out some fires.

BUT it means that Overall

From the Inside Out

You are living physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually Aligned with Your Values, Fighting for a Future that You Want and deserve!

Be The Light

SO, thanks for being here with a huge Care Bear Hug. 

AND know Wherever you are at in your journey, 

Even on Your Worst Days

You Can Find the Light 

When you Choose to be the Light.

So Stay Awhile. Stalk my Page. Read my Stuff. You’ll See I love Words. 

Schedule a call with me. 

Share one of my articles. 

Follow me on social media  and Subscribe to my email for a weekly newsletter that’s filled with wise words, wisdom and worship. I love alliteration. 

I’ll give you tips, inspiration and insight to any events! 

And one last thing, 

Start listening to your inside self. 

It’s got Something So Special in Store for your Future Self. 

My story is too long for a 2-minute website read. So here is a sliver. I hope you might find some relatability.  

I grew up middle class. Never had abundance. But always had just enough.

Lived in the shadows of a sibling's fires, which taught me to take care of my own independent little me. Taught me resilience. Taught me how to make it happen, keep going, never give up, you got this mindset - it is what my inside voice learned to chime in every time I felt alone or defeated. 

I was creative. Into dance and journalism, writing my own stories and reading books. I still see the little me laying on the floor looking up at my bulletin board on the back of my bedroom door. I had cut out and pinned a magazine quote from William Arthur Ward, “If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.”  

Today, my house is full of quotes and signs and boards still battling for better dreams.

I was blessed with 4 parents, but somehow I fell short of feeling filled up and always felt second best, back burner and in the shadows of everything else. 


I fell in love with fitness at 15. And started teaching it at 19. Found out real fast, I was a badass at making up fitness routines and coaching others to challenge themselves physically. 

But I fought eating disorders. Jellybeans and diet pills were not exactly nutritious for a personal trainer living healthily. 

Went bankrupt in college after I realized all those damn credit cards they gave you added up and weren’t really free. 

Full of wanderlust, I traveled freely meeting strangers and partying it up, pretending to be anybody, but me.  Hitchhiked and learned how to scuba dive the same week I had knee surgery. I never let anything scare me or hold me back from adventuring. 

Boxed in the ring. Blew out my shoulder but got right back up and kept fighting until the bell rang over me. 


I was fearless and scrappy and hungry for something more




Some kind of importance

It was always a war within me

I got married, had two kids. Was a stay at home mom driving a fancy SUV. It was the epitome of living the American dream.

Then life happened one too many times. Started lying. Started hiding. Started living a double life. It weighed me down and started killing everything inside of me. 

Then one day, I got really sick and found myself in the battle for my life at just the young age of 36.

I was struck with a rare infection that invaded way too much of me. I was misdiagnosed. I was ignored. I was shoved aside. I was left to die as the infection grew stronger inside of me. 

Septic. ICU. Emergency surgery. And then God stepped in and saved me. All the while, I watched my stepmother die way too young from ovarian cancer. Taken from me. I was Pissed. Sad. And lonely.


Survivors guilt. PTSD. Chronic pain from surgery. Nerve pain, dead leg. My body parts that look just fine but don’t work the way they fully should be. 

My marriage got lost and died. A sad divorce that sometimes still pains me. Lots of regrets turned lessons because salvation saved me from beating myself up over all the do-overs you think about but never get to live out. 

Now I believe all our choices bring us up to date and exactly where we should be. Even when it looks ugly.

Then I met a boy who changed everything about the old me. Brought me to life, YET also killed so many parts inside of me. Unhealthiest relationship I ever had, BUT grew me & rose me up from the dead.  

Founded a business that grew from a dirt field. Finding out real fast how entrepreneurship is an unending rollercoaster with no harness or seatbelts protecting you as you free fall into your hopes and dreams while living a very uncertain reality.


There has been financial ruin multiples times. Abusive behaviors and more lies. Emotional emptiness. Mental tornadoes gripping most of the beginning trying to figure out life starting over. And over. And over. 

There’s been death, divorce, and more surgeries. A broken nose, breast explant and the joy of finding a final Forever Love thagt is still growing every darn day.

There’s been rejection and abandonment issues alongside the rainbows and sunshine and unicorn days where overnight success seems to fall in place so simply.

I’m unconventional. Write like I speak and still say ain't and ya'll. I don’t care about misspellings or punctuation. It’s the content in my message, my heart, my passion and my mission for better that matters when I’m spilling my story and helping you walk a path to better. 

I still curse. 

I am way better than I was.  But NOWHERE near being done. It’s just nice knowing God sticks with you through all the messy stuff. 

I’m sure I missed something. But that’s enough for now. Once you get to know me. You’ll see I’m nobody different or better or more ahead of the game. I’m just listening to the force relentlessly pursuing that life living inside of me.



Robyn Tanner: Career Bio

Author. Speaker. Coach.


Robyn Tanner is a powerhouse in the personal development and high-performance coaching space, known for her unapologetic approach to transformation. She is the author of The Machete Mentality, a Certified High-Performance & Transformation Coach, Keynote Speaker & Host of The Daily Fight Podcast. Through her passionate, transparent tough love & dynamic energy, Robyn inspires people to "Wake Your Warrior to Fight for Your Future Self."

Her journey into this mission was catalyzed by a life-threatening rare infection that derailed her life, leading to emergency surgery to remove part of her spine to save her life. This intense personal battle fueled her unrelenting mission to help others "Fight for Your Future Self."

Robyn delivers fierce, truth-telling thought leadership that boldly challenges you, calling you out and calling you up to rise through your battles, redefine what’s possible, and fulfill the promises on your life.


Robyn Tanner’s signature areas of focus include adversity, resilience, and authenticity, infused with courage, communication, and perseverance. She is relentless, teaching with a bold passion that ignites every presentation. As a dynamic speaker, Robyn tackles hot topics like mastering mindset, transforming adversity into strength, and cultivating unshakeable courage.

She is the architect behind the Core 4 Method for holistic transformation, the Future Self Framework, and her signature ROAR to RISE techniques - each designed to disrupt hidden blocks, release fear and shame, and empower you to rise and claim the life you’re destined to live.

Robyn brings a fierce, transformative energy to every stage, guiding others to lead with integrity and set bold intentions as they pursue their true purpose.

With 27 years in the coaching industry, Robyn founded her own business in 2016 and has since made a significant impact. She was named one of the Top 50 Dynamic Women in her community in 2024, featured as Yahoo's #2 Mindset Coach Changing Lives in 2021, and awarded Best Gym Owner of the Year in 2019. Additionally, she has been nominated multiple times as the best personal trainer and gym in Tampa, Florida.

Robyn is a mom of two, proud wifey, USF communication grad and Tampa native. When she isn’t coaching women to honor their God-sized goals, you can find her talking to animals, feeding wildlife, and enjoying Law & Order re-runs.

Whether on stage, in her coaching sessions, or through her writing, Robyn Tanner is a force that ignites an infectious energy, compelling you to wake your warrior, rise up, and fight for your future self. Her presence lights a fire within, pushing you to claim the life you’re meant to live. 


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