Mar 07, 2023
I am not an "eventually" kind of woman. I am the kind of woman you scoop up and claim and embrace before someone else will. I am not
an "eventually" kind of woman. I am the kind of woman you hold on to because I fly high and have places to go and dreams to make happen. I am the kind of woman who will change the world one person at a time. I am not
an "eventually" kind of woman.
I am the kind of woman who stares fear in the eyes, stands tall and breathes brave. I do not falter.
I do not wait.
Time is not my friend. I am not
an "eventually" kind of woman. Eventually will get you left behind.
Eventually will leave you wondering where did she go.
Eventually will get you observing me from afar.and have you wishing me back in your arms. I am not
an "eventually" kind of woman. I am the kind of woman who will fight,
who will battle,
who will not back down.When I believe,
I believe
like it has already happened.
I go and I create what others wish for. I am the kind of woman who has an undeniable magnetic pull for those that need a way to follow. I light the path where no one else will go.
I go first into the darkness. I go first on the climb.
I am the first one falling.
And I am the first one getting back up. I am not
an "eventually" kind of woman. I am the kind of woman who fiercely loves
with overflowing passion and pursuit for better. I am the kind of woman who will walk away and never look back. The kind of woman who knows when her job is done
and is ok with leaving you behind lost in the pack. I am not
an "eventually" kind of woman. I am the kind of woman you want to soak in because I'll challenge you, inspire you, ignite you, free you and show you every deep dark side of you
JUST so the light inside of you can shine on what you’ve got to give and get out in this lifetime. I am the kind of woman you don't want to miss out on.
The kind of woman you want now. I am not an "eventually" kind of woman.