Why Do We Wait Until It's Too Late?
Aug 07, 2023
Why do we wait until it’s too late?
Until our back is up against the wall
Until the doctor says so
Until the bill is past due
Until the credit card is maxed out
Until we are bleeding on the inside dried up and empty and all out of energy
Why do wait until the conversation has to be hard
Until the distance and time passed is just too much so we cower in isolation and brush it all under a worn out well used up rug
Why do we wait until it’s absolutely no other way necessary
Until it’s a life altering requirement
Which feels like an impossible insurmountable task that eats you alive gladly taking your breath away on a silver platter of defeat
Why don’t we start now
Why don’t we think ahead
Before danger and despair win
And bully us into more of the most secret of our sins
Why don’t we desire to be proactive
Get a good head start
Stock up on our strength
Our stamina
and build a robust supply source of good ole fashion elbow grease zip tie tenacity
Why don’t we foresee the obvious instead of plowing full force ahead down paths leading us backwards and nowhere and all sorts of in between Certainly not the imagined place we had had in our heads
Why do we wait to see the blinding necessary impending need
Then last-minute beg and plead hoping cheap Band-Aids will be suffice to handle the mess we made because we let it grow weeds in our beliefs
Why do we wait until it’s too late?
I think we’re just naïve to think it’ll pass us by and just keep going
Until the next time
Is the time
it’s officially and finally and irrevocably too late…